Easy-to-use private digital prescription interface for doctors.

Prescribe at the click of a button. Fast and direct delivery to your patients.

How it works

1. Prescribe via our bespoke platform - all in a few clicks

2. Our partner pharmacies and logistics network will fulfil the prescription order immediately

3. Medication delivered to your patients under 2 hours in London (inner), and within 24hrs across the rest of the UK

Why Partner With Healistic?

Digitising Processes & Increasing Time Efficiency

The platform automates various administrative tasks, such as record-keeping and prescription tracking. This saves valuable time for clinical teams, enabling them to focus more on patient care

Drive Higher Patient Satisfaction & Retention

Patients can conveniently go home and track the progress of their prescriptions, without having to wait in queues at the pharmacy - resulting in a seamless and positive healthcare experience

Repeat Prescription Automation

Automatically generate refills based on desired frequency, giving peace of mind to both patients and doctors

Enhanced Data Safety & Security

Our cloud-based platform operates on secure servers to allow you fast and secure access to your encrypted patient data from any location

Controlled Drugs Fulfilment

We provide a streamlined process to fulfil prescriptions for Schedule 2-5 Controlled Drugs, complying with all relevant regulations and safety protocols

Get in touch now

There are no integration costs to setup and only takes 30 minutes to be onboarded!

Onboarding takes only a couple of minutes and is entirely free of charge.

You can use the Healistic interface on any device that has an internet browser.

As Seen In

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